Clifden Road Wall

Clifden House Garden Wall

This wall lies behind the Methodist Church on Clifden Rd, running along the backs of the gardens on the south side of Hamilton Road and the north of Clifden Road. There may also be some more visible behind the houses on Brook Road South where there’s a car park too.

This is likely to have been the garden wall of Clifden House, built for Viscount Clifden in the late 18th century. The garden ran the length of what is now Clifden Road and the Brook looks as though it was blocked at both ends to make a garden feature, (See tithe map of 1839, following the brook).

The Library was built in the garden early in the 20th century and Clifden House demolished in the 1950s.

1865 OS map (below) shows the long wall dividing Clifden House garden from a market garden that ran the length of what is now Hamilton Road with 1 large house facing Windmill Road with its garden up to the railway.

1865 OS
1865 OS

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